Why the big dry and what it means for workforces

After the driest autumn in over 100 years, widespread drought across key parts of agricultural Australia is affecting crop prospects and communities.

Between March and May 2018, rainfall in Australia was a hefty 57mm below average. This marks 2018 as the driest autumn since the 1902 Federation drought.

Large swathes of New South Wales, western Queensland, eastern South Australia and north-west Victoria have been affected, with the BOM saying decent rain may not arrive until February next year.

Why so dry?

BOM senior climatologist Dr Blair Trewin told the ABC that, in the case of New South Wales, dry conditions are being caused by the non-appearance of the weather systems which usually bring rain.

“During the summer, you’re often looking at a feed of tropical moisture, when you get moisture feeding in from the tropical monsoon coming south,” he said. “But that didn’t really happen this year. All the rain stayed in the tropics.”

Devastating impact on producers

The worsening big dry is having a significant impact on some of our farmers. At Agri Labour Australia, we’re seeing cases where broadacre growers and storage and handling clients are expecting shrinking harvests next year because of the 2018 drought.

Knock-on effect on labour demand

Many dry land farming regions are in damage control which means a vast majority of casual and seasonal labour is on hold until it rains.

Fortunately, there are some commodities that remain unaffected by the drought, including our horticulture and poultry clients. There are plenty of roles still available year-round within these industries.

We can all lend a hand

To support those worst affected by the drought, there are a number of admirable charities in place that offer tangible support for farmers and their families.

Agri Labour Australia has pledged its support to ‘Buy A Bale’, where you can purchase hay, water, groceries, diesel to carry hay or make a general donation.

Other Agri Labour Australia-approved charities include:


– Agri Labour Australia

Let’s connect at the Cotton Conference – on now!

This week, the Agri Labour Australia are exhibiting at the Australian Cotton Conference on the Gold Coast. From Tuesday 7 August until Thursday 9 August, you’ll find us at Booth 72 at the Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre.

The Cotton Conference is all about connecting new and experienced farmers, agronomists and researchers, brands and marketers, students, supply chain partners, industry groups and cotton groupies. Together, we’ll look at the challenges and opportunities facing cotton, share and learn from one another, and listen to some of the world’s best cotton experts.

Our Managing Director, Account Managers, Permanent Recruitment Managers and People & Culture Manager are holding the fort at Booth 72. We encourage all attendees to stop by and hear about our workforce optimisation capabilities and latest cotton recruitment projects.

ALA to exhibit at the poultry and milling industry’s premier annual event

A cohort from Agri Labour Australia (ALA) will exhibit at the 2018 Poultry Information Exchange (PIX) and Australasian Milling Conference (AMC). The joint event is being held at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre from Sunday 3 June until Tuesday 5 June. ‘Supply Chain Opportunities – Farmers to Consumers’ is the theme of this year’s conference, which will feature the latest in innovation and information from industry leaders around the world.

“We’re looking forward to hearing from industry innovators, catching up with clients and connecting with new operators in the poultry and milling space.”

ALA will be exhibiting at stand 159, with leaders from both our Permanent and Casual recruitment divisions manning the stand. We encourage all attendees to stop by and hear about our workforce optimisation capabilities and latest poultry recruitment projects.

Media release – Agriculture to benefit from world’s biggest regional trade agreement

  • The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP-11) signed in Chile on 8 March.
  • TPP-11 will give Australian farmers improved access to markets with a combined GDP of $13.7 trillion.
  • Will work with Australian agricultural industries to deliver new technical market access opportunities presented by the TPP-11.


Australian producers will have new and better access to markets with a combined GDP of $13.7 trillion including three of our top 10 agricultural trade markets—Japan, Vietnam and New Zealand.

The signing of the TPP-11 would provide preferential access for more than $5.5 billion of Australia’s dutiable agricultural exports.

Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources David Littleproud said the trade deal would have an immediate benefit for exporters and create brand new opportunities into two new markets – Canada and Mexico.

“This is the world’s largest ever regional trade agreement, creating huge opportunities for our beef, sheep, dairy, sugar, wool, wine and horticulture producers in current and new markets,” Minister Littleproud said.

“My department is supporting industry’s efforts to improve sheep meat export arrangements to Mexico, to capitalise on Mexico’s elimination of tariffs on sheep meat within 8 years of entry into force.

“Into Japan Australia is seeking to regain access for blueberries and improve market access for other horticulture commodities, including mangoes.

“Work is ongoing to establish technical market access for Australian beef exports to Peru to take advantage of market access outcomes from both the TPP-11 and the Peru-Australia Free Trade Agreement.

The Agreement will eliminate more than 98 percent of tariffs in the free trade area. Highlights include:

  • new reductions in Japan’s tariffs on beef (Australian exports worth $2.1 billion in 2016-17);
  • new access for dairy products into Japan, Canada and Mexico, including the elimination of a range of cheese tariffs into Japan covering over $100 million of trade;
  • new sugar access into the Japanese, Canadian and Mexican markets;
  • tariff reductions and new access for Australian cereals and grains exporters into Japan, including new access for rice products into Japan for the first time in 20 years;
  • elimination of all tariffs on sheepmeat, cotton and wool; and
  • elimination of tariffs on seafood, horticulture and wine.

“TPP-11 countries include Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam, creating a regional free trade area that links the Americas and Asia.

“Last year Australia exported around $12 billion worth of agricultural goods to the TPP-11 countries, so this is a real game changer with huge potential.”

Fast Facts:

  • The TPP-11 was signed by Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment on 8 March in Chile.
  • Australia exported around $12 billion worth of agricultural goods to TPP-11 countries in FY2016-17, representing close to 23 per cent of total exports of these products.
  • Since 1 January 2016 the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has secured approximately 122 technical market access gains across a broad range of markets and commodities. This includes 54 for new market access, 11 restored, 43 improved and 14 maintained. This includes restoring access for cherries into Vietnam and new access for breeder sheep and goats to Canada.


Download official media release here


Media release – Late boost to winter crop production

Please find below the latest media release from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES). Previous media releases can be read on the ABARES and the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources websites.

Media release –
Late boost to winter crop production

Favourable seasonal conditions in spring and early summer have resulted in the 2017-18 winter crop harvest exceeding expectations in some key growing regions of Western Australia, Victoria and South Australia.

ABARES Executive Director, Dr Steve Hatfield-Dodds, said that in contrast, production in Queensland and New South Wales is likely to be lower than the December 2017 ABARES crop forecast.

“Total winter crop production is estimated to have decreased by 36 per cent to 37.8 million tonnes in 2017-18, but with the late season boost to production it looks likely to remain 6 per cent above the ten-year average to 2015-16,” Dr Hatfield-Dodds said.

“For the major crops overall, wheat production is estimated to have decreased by 38 per cent to 21.2 million tonnes, barley by 33 per cent to 8.9 million tonnes and canola by 15 per cent to 3.7 million tonnes.

“Amongst other crops, chickpea production is estimated to have decreased by 49 per cent to one million tonnes, and oats production by 40 per cent to 1.1 million tonnes.”

Below average rainfall and above average temperatures over summer have dented expectations for dryland crop production in 2017-18.

“Unfavourable weather conditions through the hottest months of the year prompted farmers to reconsider their crop planting strategies, which will result in less dryland crop area than anticipated and lower yields,” Dr Hatfield-Dodds said.

“The area planted to cotton in 2017-18 fell by around 10 per cent to 500,000 hectares, while the area planted to rice is estimated to have decreased by 2 per cent to 80,000 hectares.

“Around 501,000 hectares have been dedicated to grain sorghum plantings over summer-an increase of 26 per cent on the 2016-17 figure. Grain sorghum production is forecast to increase by 44 per cent to around 1.5 million tonnes.

“Planting of summer crops is now largely complete, and planted area is estimated to have increased by two per cent to 1.3 million hectares.

“Summer crop production is forecast to increase by 12 per cent in 2017-18 to around 4.3 million tonnes.”

See the full February crop report here: www.agriculture.gov.au/crop-report.

Winter Crops Media Release



Agri Labour Australia becomes one of the first companies to achieve StaffSure certification

Agri Labour Australia has become one of the first Australian companies to secure a place on the StaffSure registry as a certified workforce service provider.

One of only a handful of firms to have made it into the registry so far, Agri Labour Australia submitted to a full audit of its business practices to ensure everything was up to StaffSure standards.

StaffSure is a proactive and industry-led initiative which rewards those firms who have invested in systems and processes to protect clients and workers.

This certification makes it simple for business, government and workers to check that Workforce Service Providers (such as labour hire companies and agricultural recruitment firms) are reputable and adhere to strict codes of conduct.

Certification by StaffSure will also reduce joint-liability risk for business and government that engage certified providers.

StaffSure was developed by RCSA to help operators prove their business integrity when providing workforce services for the agriculture industry. As the peak body, RCSA knew that the problem of poor business practice was wider than traditional ‘labour hire’ and that a scheme was needed to validate all forms of workforce services.

In developing StaffSure, RCSA worked in consultation with industries that use Workforce Service Providers, regulatory government bodies, unions that employ workers and certification experts with global experience.

To become certified, Agri Labour Australia was required to submit to an independent audit against the StaffSure Standard of these six core principles:

  1. Fit & Proper Persons own and run the business
  2. Work Status & Remuneration to ensure workers receive minimum employment Entitlements
  3. Financial Assurance to operate the business sustainably
  4. Safe Work for all workers
  5. Immigration and visa laws are complied with
  6. Accommodation supplied by employers or clients is suitable and rent is fair

Of the firms who made it through the certification process, StaffSure chief executive officer Charles Cameron says: “Through your leadership and belief, we have taken a massive step forward in cleaning up our industry and in the promotion of professionals.” 

We’re in the finals

Agri Labour Australia recognised at the Telstra Business Awards.

This week was a proud week for Agri Labour Australia. We are officially a Queensland finalist in the Telstra Business Awards Small Business category. For the past 25 years, the awards have recognised, rewarded and empowered Australia’s best SMEs and more recently, charities.

The awards recognise that it takes something special to set up and sustain a business like ours and we couldn’t be more thrilled with our nomination.

Judges were no doubt impressed by the idea of a recruitment consultancy that is tailored to Australia’s agriculture industry, which historically has experienced a labour shortfall.

Another deciding factor may have been Agri Labour Australia’s unique point of difference. That is, our founders’ deep understanding of how farm projects operate and our knowledge of the diverse and ever-changing recruitment needs of rural Australia.

Given the Telstra Business Awards’ recent focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR), what may have also helped secure our nomination is the Agri Veterans program – a runaway success that benefits both the community and our economy.

Our demonstrated creativity and innovation will hopefully get Agri Labour Australia over the line this year! We were a finalist once before in 2015 and this time we’re confident that the final judging panel will be impressed by our persistence and resilience in overcoming obstacles.


“We’re incredibly proud to be a finalist for the second time but not at all surprised. This goes to show that Agri Labour Australia is continuing to make great strides and wow the industry. Judges are clearly impressed by how our niche recruitment and HR consultancy solves workforce problems for farmers and other agricultural employers, providing the industry with a steady stream of casual, seasonal and permanent employees.”

Stay tuned for the winner’s announcement later this month and keep updated on Twitter @TelstraAwards #telstrabizawards

Agri Veterans wins coveted CSR award at RI Awards Australia

Agri Veterans has taken out the hotly contested ‘Best Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative’ award at the RI Awards Australia by Recruitment International.

The CSR Award honours our pioneering program, which has gone from strength to strength since launching in 2015.

Judges were clearly impressed by Agri Veterans’ achievements in helping ex-Defence personnel transition to civilian life via placements in meaningful, gainful employment in Australia’s agriculture industry.

With more than 200 recruitment firms competing for the top honours, the 2017 RI Award winners were announced at a black tie gala dinner in Sydney on May 10 at the swanky Ivy Ballroom on George Street.

About the awards

RI Awards Australia is part of Recruitment International – the world’s biggest recruitment industry awards programme.

The aim of the awards is to recognise innovation and best practice in the Australian recruitment industry.

A panel assesses and rewards the best recruitment companies and their people, and the ceremony is a chance to celebrate the collective successes of our great profession.

Agri Labour Australia’s Liam Palmer and Seppi Mohsenian were in attendance on the night in Sydney to accept the award on behalf of Agri Veterans.

“We are thrilled and humbled by our win, but not at all surprised given all the hard work that’s gone into the program. From the beginning we knew we were onto a brilliant concept that could really help all stakeholders – the ex-Defence staff benefit and so do the agriculture employers of Australia. Plus, we’ve got the most passionate, devoted team in the business and couldn’t wait to share the news with, they deserve it.”
Program Co-Founder, Casey Brown

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A winning formula

Coming under the CSR category the Agri Veterans program has enjoyed great success in placing eligible veterans in stable, rewarding roles around Australia where they can learn new skills, gain financial security and regain a sense of purpose.

For more information on Agri Veterans, visit www.agriveterans.com.au or call 1300 247 823.



Australian agriculture and foreign ownership

The highly politicised, emotionally charged concept of ‘Big foreign conglomerates buying up our land and putting Aussie farmers out of business’ is certainly nothing new – but is it true? For many years, the reality has been somewhat obscured.

Depending on which political party is dominating the conversation, the stats and facts tend to be presented differently.

As far as the general public goes, we really didn’t know who owned Australia’s agricultural land. We knew that some land was controlled by ‘foreign’ interests, but their origin and purpose was unclear.

Between July 2015 and June 2016, the ATO compiled the first Register of Foreign Ownership of Agricultural Land. While authorities are unable to disclose personal details and identities of owners, they can tell us about nationalities. Here’s a region-by-region breakdown:

What proportion of land is held by foreign interests?

As you can see, the percentage varies substantially depending on where you are in Australia.

The figures are relatively high in sparsely-populated areas such as The Northern Territory and Tasmania, and comparatively low in New South Wales and Victoria.


Where are the foreign owners from?

Here is a visual representation of the Top 10 foreign owners by country. At a glance, it’s clear that UK foreign interests are by far the most prevalent, followed distantly by the USA, the Netherlands, Singapore, China and others. This may come as a surprise to some, but there you have it. We didn’t realise Jersey was a major player!infographics_02

What are they using the land for?

In regards to what this foreign-owned land is producing, for the vast majority, the answer is livestock. Crops and forestry are other recorded purposed.


Officials say that Annual Reports from the Register will now be compiled each financial year, allowing us to see how these figures changes. Watch this space.

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