May 01, 2023

Protect your health on the job site in three steps

The importance of workplace ergonomics in maintaining one’s health and wellbeing cannot be overstated, regardless of whether you are working in the field or in an office within the agriculture industry. Keeping the following three factors in check is key to staying safe and well on the job.

Technique matters
Maintaining proper posture and utilising effective body mechanics is crucial for alleviating stress on your muscles and joints, regardless of your job function. For those in field roles requiring repetitive movements and the handling of heavy objects, it becomes even more imperative to employ proper lifting techniques to prevent back and shoulder strain. Regular breaks for stretching and movement are also crucial for maintaining a healthy and injury-free work environment.

Equip yourself for success: The importance of proper tools
Being properly equipped is a crucial component of on-the-job safety. By selecting appropriate footwear and utilising tools and equipment that are correctly sized, you can minimise stress on your feet, legs, hands, and arms, creating a safer and more comfortable work environment.

Minimise strain in desk jobs
Although the work itself differs, workplace ergonomics are also important for office workers, whose health can be affected by different types of strain. If your role involves working at a desk, you may need to adjust your workstation and equipment to the appropriate height and angle to reduce strain on your neck and back. To reduce strain on your arms, wrists and hands, position your work materials within easy reach and use a wrist rest or other ergonomic aid.

If you’ve identified ways that ergonomics could be improved in your role, share your insights and recommendations with your supervisor to create a safer work environment.

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