Jun 14, 2023

Staying safe during the cotton harvest season

The cotton harvest is an exciting activity in the Australian agriculture calendar – highly popular with visa-holders, travellers, and local residents alike. If you’re working in the cotton harvest this year, it’s important that safety comes first.

Agri Labour Australia is committed to ensuring the safety of all our staff, and our staff working the cotton harvest are required to participate in inductions, training, and pre-employment education so you’re equipped with the necessary safety knowledge and appropriate skills prior to starting work. Pre-employment drug and alcohol testing will also be carried out prior to harvest and randomly throughout the season.

In addition, there are some further important safety tips that you should keep in mind while working the cotton harvest.


    1. Safety protocols and guidelines for cotton harvesting machinery: If you’re in a position where you’re operating machinery, it’s important that you regularly update your knowledge of safety guidelines for cotton harvesting machinery, including operation, maintenance, and emergency procedures.


    1. Best practices for handling and processing cotton: Minimise potential hazards by following proper techniques for handling and processing cotton, such as wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and adhering to safe lifting practices. Implement strict hygiene protocols to prevent the spread of any diseases or pests.


    1. Monitor weather conditions during the harvest season: Stay informed about local weather conditions to ensure personal safety and avoid accidents or delays due to extreme weather events. Develop contingency plans in case of unforeseen weather disruptions.


If you are working the cotton harvest with Agri Labour Australia this year, we hope you stay safe and enjoy the incredible experience.

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