Company Announcement: Telstra Australian Business Award Finalist

Agri Labour Australia is pleased to announce that we have been nominated as a finalist in the 2015 Telstra Australian Business Awards.

The Telstra Australian Business Award recognises successful Australian business ranging across a number of sectors.

Managing Director, Casey Brown, wishes to recognise all of the clients, suppliers and people that have contributed in their own way towards our success.

“It’s encouraging to take stock and use a moment like this to recognise our progress since the Agri Labour Australia journey started back in 2010. We are as motivated as we were on day one to continue working with Australian agriculture to feed an ever-expanding global population,” Casey said.

The award will be judged by a select pool of national business experts and industry leaders. Following six months of analysis, the winner of the Telstra Australian Business Award will be announced on Wednesday 19th August.

For more news follow our journey on Twitter @Agrilabour 

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